13 Crucial Facts About How People View Your Websites

With Google Analytics at our finger tips, we gain insight into how people are navigating around our websites – and what pages people are engaged with.

However do you know what content on these pages are actually getting the most action? Just because viewers are engaging with a page – does not mean everything on that page is engaging…

Dreamgrow have released an interesting insight into what content gets the most action on your website pages. Looking at the three images below (taken from three separate websites), red denotes the areas that got the most action, yellow got less action and purple was very little action.

It’s very clear that the most attention is on the top of your website – and any information towards the bottom is simply given a once over!

Here are our 13 facts on how your website is viewed. Share this around your website design team, so are aware of this when they design your pages.

  1.     People start viewing your website from the top left corner… so ensure your most compelling message is in the top left corner
  2.     Readers ignore banners. Surprise, surprise…. so sure your most compelling message is not communicated in the form of a banner image
  3.     Fancy fonts are ignored… so ensure you text is clear and legible
  4.     People only scan the lower parts of your website… so ensure your most compelling message is not located in these areas
  5.     Short paragraphs work better than long ones… so keep your copy in short and snappy paragraphs
  6.     Ads, that are placed inside or below an awesome piece of content, get more views… so keep your copy engaging and ads relevant to that content to be seen
  7.     Big pictures attract more attention than small ones… so keep your pictures large and engaging
  8.     Headlines draw attention… so ensure your headline connects and is relevant to the viewer
  9.     Visitors spend more time looking at menus and buttons than any other part of your website… so ensure your menu is clear, concise and buttons contain a large call to action
  10.     Lists are better at keeping your reader focused than large paragraphs… so consider presenting your key messages in short bullet point form
  11.     Some people completely ignore large chunks of text… so ensure your text is limited into small bite size chunks
  12.     White space is good!… so don’t clutter the page, keep it simple
  13.     Menu works best when placed on the top part of your website… so if it’s on the side, move it!

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