Analytics & Reporting

We believe your marketing should begin with the end goal in mind. Guesstimating is no longer enough to justify a spend.

Our philosophy is you can’t manage what you don’t measure. And if you can’t track your marketing efforts, how do you know what’s effective and what’s not?

As a business owner, we figure you look at your profit and loss sheet at minimum, monthly. Well, our dashboard reports should reviewed as frequently. After all, marketing is the driver of sales, is it not?

Having partnered with a software solution platform, we provide our clients with a clear understanding of their media and marketing spends in real time, giving us the ability to make specific amendments to schedules and spend allocations ensuring we are giving our clients the most effective results for their spend.

We understand that data is a valuable asset and thus will help you make the most of your data and data capture, using brand tracking, analysis, reporting and optimisation.

We love getting the results we set out to achieve. Together, we collaborate with our clients to craft KPI’s for your brand and campaign activity. We’ll always talk you through the results, making sure your budget is well spent and your marketing activity is effectively supporting the growth of your business. Even our reporting is integrated, ensuring an end-to-end ‘big picture’ view on all your marketing activity.

Each month our marketing team delivers our clients a dashboard report. The report not only gives you an overview of the goals hit and the outcomes delivered, but a comprehensive look at the mediums used to bring about the ROI and what was/wasn’t effective. This then enables our marketing executives to amend campaigns on the fly to optimise for better performing areas and cut areas under-performing  ensure maximum ROI for our clients.


Want to know where your brand currently sits compared to that of your competitors? Want to know what medium your consumers consume and where you should invest your advertising $$?

Concept Marketing has access to extensive reports enabling our clients the ability to compare their activity against that of their competitors.



Partnered with one of Australia’s largest media buying agencies – we have the ability to deliver reports to our clients on media consumption and advertising spends within their industry.

From competition advertising placements, to showcasing where demographics are spending their most time consuming media, we are able to provide reports to our clients enabling a more direct and educated decision making process when it comes to media placements.



At Concept Marketing, we believe your marketing should begin with the end in mind. Gone are the days where guesstimating is enough to justify a spend. Our philosophy is you can’t manage what you don’t measure. And if you can’t track your marketing efforts, how do you know what’s effective and what’s not?


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