Design & Print

Like it or not, people’s opinion of your company is often made in the first few seconds, and during that time nothing has a greater impact than the appearance of your marketing materials.

You may have the best products in the world, or offer customer service that is light years ahead of your competition, but unless you can present an image of a superior company, you may never have the opportunity to prove it.

Professional graphic design services
This is where you need the services of a professional graphic designer. In the same way that you hire an accountant to handle your financial matters or a lawyer to handle your legal matters, putting graphic design in the hands of a professional will return far greater profits than the money you try to save by handling it yourself.

Graphic design is a complicated and complex affair. Choosing colours, fonts and images can often seem simple but there are subtle nuances to the layout of a marketing piece that can have tremendous impact on effectiveness. True graphic design is about creating something that will elicit the required response, whether it be to convey a message or to persuade a potential buyer.


In a perfect world, business owners would discover a hot market and then build a business to serve that market. The reality is that most businesses are started because the owner of that business knows how to do something. Occasionally, through trial and error, that business discovers it does indeed serve a hot market. Far too often, businesses simply get by without any real focus on a market.



Anyone can help you get a brochure printed or recommend you a stock to get your business cards printed on.

Concept Marketing takes a different approach to printing services.

We aren’t going to recommend you print a brochure that is going to cost you $10,000 with little idea of the ROI for printing those brochure’s.

Similarly, we aren’t going to suggest you print a business card that is going to only get thrown away. At Concept Marketing, we think different. Everything you print should reflect your brand identity. Of your promise to yourself and to your customers. We can certainly help you print brochures, banners, sales collateral and the like – but we will challenge you with why you want these and the purpose these are going to serve to your business so we can ensure you get the most out of your print job.

We aren’t yes people. And we don’t apologise for that.



Graphic design is a complicated and complex affair. Choosing colours, fonts and images can often seem simple but there are subtle nuances to the layout of a marketing piece that can have tremendous impact on effectiveness. True graphic design is about creating something that will elicit the required response, whether it be to convey a message or to persuade a potential buyer.

Concept Marketing offers a complete range of graphic design services, from print media (brochures, posters and signage), to logo design and website design, as well as everything in between.


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