Branding & Experience

Many people mistakenly believe that a corporate identity is nothing more than your logo.

A corporate identity encompasses all aspects of a company’s public face, including colour choices, logos and tag lines, marketing materials, stationery and even interior design.

Most importantly your corporate identity is who you are perceived to be in the marketplace. It’s how you act, how you speak, how you sell yourself. Basically, all aspects of your company that influence how your prospects perceive your company.

An effective brand and corporate identity is the foundation of an effective marketing program.

The most creative print ad or television commercial will have little to no effect if your company is perceived as a fly by night operation that can’t meet your prospects needs. That’s why it’s so important to put the development of your company’s corporate identity in the hands of a professional who can objectively present an image that will inspire trust in your prospects. This is a critical step in your company’s marketing plan that should be given the utmost attention and a realistic timeline.

What makes up a corporate identity?

Your brand is so much more than a logo. It’s your DNA. Everything you do, everything you say, how your people behave are all a reflection of your brand, so how are you controlling your brand experience.

What’s your elevator pitch? Can you and all your staff sell your company in a 30 second window? What about your brand promise. What is it you deliver to clients, and how to you internally live what you claim to deliver?

Are you ready for your business to grow?
If you a new business in need of a brand, or an existing business that needs a serious brand identity refresh, we are the creative agency to turn to. With offices in Melbourne & Perth, call us today and get a brand transformation specialist working on your account today.


In a perfect world, business owners would discover a hot market and then build a business to serve that market. The reality is that most businesses are started because the owner of that business knows how to do something. Occasionally, through trial and error, that business discovers it does indeed serve a hot market. Far too often, businesses simply get by without any real focus on a market.


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