A guide to genuine marketing in these uncertain times

The time for marketers to stand up is NOW!

Just being creative or handling the standard marketing activities will fall on deaf ears during this unusual situation we are facing.

The first change is to manage the tone and behaviour of your brand.

You will lose if you appear insensitive to the current situation and appear opportunistic.

Of course, you need to continue trading but if you have a true marketing leader, you may need to ask them these questions:

  1. Are any of our marketing campaigns that are live right now no longer appropriate? Are automated marketing systems wasting media and annoying consumers?
  2. Are any tactics or strategies about to go out no longer appropriate? Or are you making opportunistic decisions now (e.g. price increases) that you will later be judged on
  3. Are you listening to your customers explicitly in social and through larger trends in the data to make sure any communications and actions are not tone deaf?
  4. Are any immediate actions being taken for the genuine benefit of people and their new needs? Not because you want to shift product.
  5. Have you turned off outdoor media and pivoted to in-home media?
  6. Do you have a ‘Fresh Eyes Team’ to double-check your marketing is appropriate as your team may be too close to matters? Assemble an unrelated team to put all major decisions by for a second opinion.

The reality is many current pure-play agencies only know how to operate the systems within which they manage. The need for a strategic thinking marketing company is now more important than ever.

You need to ensure your message touches the hearts and souls of your consumers.

Concept Marketing is a full service digital and traditional agency with business locations in both Perth and Melbourne.
Delivering websites, SEO, and adword campaigns that drive results for clients. They are known as the Results Agency.

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