Digital Marketing During COVID-19

During this period of pandemic-induced social isolation, it’s no surprise that people are consuming vast amounts of media and spending more time online. It has been evident that people in Australia and in all other corners of the world are changing their online behaviors and patterns during the coronavirus crisis.

Over the last month, there have been some interesting trends surrounding what Australians are searching for on the internet and the content they are consuming. If you rewind to the start of the year, people would be using their spare time to peruse shopping centres or to go to events, movies, restaurants and bars. Now, that spare time is used up by sitting on the couch and staying at home.

During this time, when people are staying socially isolated at home with their phones, TVs and computers, businesses have a chance like no other to interact with their audience. With the window of opportunity now widened, it is important to use this time wisely while your audience is at arm’s reach.

Different industries have been affected differently during the COVID-19 pandemic, however, here is a list of thriving verticals we have seen in Australia:

  • Home & Lifestyle = Significant growth in all categories.
  • Business & Finance; Investing + Careers = Click through rate increases up to 73%.
  • E-Commerce = Weekly growth rate of 52%.
  • Entertainment; Games, TV, Movies, Music, Books = Click through rate increases averaging 70% with music seeing a 5x increase (with little to no price fluctuation).
  • Health & Fitness = Significant growth in all categories.
  • Recreation = RPM growth with potential for marketers to tap into.

COVID-19 Digital Marketing Tips

Marketing is always crucial to your business, however, at times like these, it is more important than even to stay on top of your brand’s presence.

Pandemics are not forever. We will come out of this and the concept of social isolation and global lock downs will be no longer. Where will your business be when we return to normal?

Businesses that cut spending and drop marketing altogether fall behind, businesses that keep their fingers on the pulse will end up on top.

Here are a few digital marketing tips you can employ to help your business during the pandemic:

TIP 1: Review your marketing campaigns and reassess content delivery schedules.

TIP 2: Evaluate your brand’s content, specifically imagery and language that is used throughout this time.

TIP 3:  Do not capitalise on the pandemic.

Tip 4: Highlight how your brand can help support your clients, community, business partners and staff.

Tip 5: Address customer concerns. Be positive, but do not be ignorant.

Tip 6: Prepare for the new normal. What will life after COVID-19 look like?

Contact us today to if you would like to discuss strategies to maximize your digital presence throughout this time.

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