Digital Trends and why we love them

We love marketing. We are passionate about it. Some may even say that we obsess over it, but that’s cool. Marketing is our jam.

From lumpy mail, print advertising, tv, radio and more, our goal is to get your brand known and loved. Although we use always a variety of techniques, there are few techniques that are faster, more accessible and more targeted than digital.

We’ve listed the top 10 digital marketing trends we feel are going to impact marketing strategy for agencies and clients over the rest of 2018, and beyond.

1. Say hello to more Augmented Reality (AR)
Pokémon Go has shown what is possible when AR integrates with social media. Developing AR technology will enable brands to display content based on customer’s location. Not to mention the ‘cool factor.’

2. Say goodbye to using social influencers
In coming months, it is possible the influencer market will collapse as brands move to more affordable, and more effective organic promotional methods.

3. Say hello to more data
Over the last year we have seen a rise in data-driven marketing. Creatives are producing campaigns after gaining a clear understanding of consumer behaviour and their overall journey from search to checkout. Tools like HotJar make this data readily available and easy to analyse.

4. Say goodbye to the trusty PC
Take a look around next time you’re in a social setting – everyone will be on their phone. Handheld devices account for over 60 percent of all digital minutes worldwide. Over the next year, we predict a complete mobile takeover, which will mean digital marketing techniques will be based on mobile platforms and we must consider mobile first, desktop second if at all.

5. Say hello to living in the present
Google calls these moments Micro-Moments. They’re the “I want to know, I want to go, I want to do, and I want to buy” moments that are loaded with intent, context, and immediacy. If your marketing doesn’t cater for this, you may be in trouble.

6. Say goodbye to fluff advertising
Audiences are bored. After being targeted en masse, they will switch off before engaging. This is why we predict purposeful ads with highly specific objectives and capacities to attract targeted audiences will increase.

7. Say hello to more live streaming
Facebook live shows fantastic engagement. People just love watching live videos. A chance to interact NOW? It’s a great way to connect with the audience, and convert sales.

8. Say goodbye to talking to real people
It’s happening. Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana, and chatbots are establishing their place in consumer’s daily lives. Forget about calling a helpline and having a conversation with a person; chatbots are here to stay.

9. Say hello to personalized content
Personalised content attracts and retains customers. People crave interaction with others, and they love feeling special. A digital campaign targeted to specific audiences, calling them by name, will result in hot leads and sales conversions.

10. Say goodbye to mass marketing
Instead – think targeted, location-specific marketing. Use colloquial language, reference local hangouts; make your customers feel proud about where they live and what they like – and they will convert.

11. Say hello to storytelling
Stories are trending. Social platforms reward live content, so get on board and start pressing record. Instagram Stories, Snapchat and “Reels” from YouTube are becoming more powerful than ever. Their temporary nature creates FOMO for users and urgency for marketers.

There you have it. Digital marketing trends to watch as we round out 2018.
And don’t forget, here at Concept Marketing, our team of digital marketers are well-versed in applying these trends to get the results you want.

We have lots of experience serving clients across a range of industries, so contact us today.

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