Do you have a content marketing strategy?

Did you know 78% of consumers believe businesses that provide quality custom content are interested in building a relationship with them?

We show you 5 obvious content marketing strategies businesses overlook:

1)    Clear call to action

At the end of great content, you need to ask your reader to take action. It could be to subscribe, make a purchase or a service enquiry. Make it relatable to the content and add a simple button such as “subscribe”, “contact us” or “book now” etc.

2) Be consistent

Similar to Facebook, a marketing strategy won’t work without consistent action. Decide if you’re going to write content weekly, fortnightly, every day and stick to it!

3 Not spending on Content Marketing

Nothing comes free in marketing and for content to generate leads and sales, a marketing budget should be allocated to a content marketing spend. After writing the content decide where you’re going to promote it and a budget spend.

4) Don’t ignore SEO

Integrating keywords into your content will ensure readers will find you! What’s the point of writing a great article if no one can find it?! Don’t overdo it however, ensure the keywords don’t affect quality writing. Instead focus on the title, meta description, and keywords and hyperlink the keywords with your website link.

5) Check your competitors

If you’re stuck for ideas why reinvent the wheel? Keep an eye on your competitors and see what content is getting engagement. Signing up to Google alerts and seeing “whats trending” on news sites will also assist you in creating your content strategy.

Don’t be discouraged or stop creating content if it’s not working. Consistent quality content and doing the above will ensure you get a group of loyal readers who will in turn do business with you.

Need a content cure?

We have expert copywriters in our team, contact us today to find out how we can create quality copy for your business.

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