Need a flu shot for your website? Save it from the winter blues with a site refresh (and add some sizzle!).

How efficiently is your website running, seriously?

Is it bunged up with last year’s content?
Stuffed to the max with boring and out-dated offers?
Is it slow to load and even slower to deliver a quality call to action?

We’ve heard all this before – which is why we like to offer a website refresh at this time of year.

As the mornings draw in and the days end sooner, adding a bit of sizzle to your site might be what’s needed to get you and your customers through the dreary winter weather.

You need a site that is engaging, compelling and informative. And let’s not forget – you want it to convert! If you’re getting traffic to your site but converting less than 1% of total traffic, then your website isn’t working. You might need to contact a Melbourne marketing company with experience in creating conversions.

It’s as much about how you convert on your site as it is about having a site at all. If you’re not asking the question, solving the problem and engaging clients with your site through your content and what solution you’re providing them – you may as well not have a site.

People place so much emphasis on AdWords and increasing traffic but if your site doesn’t have the simple means of encouraging a positive user experience and getting the conversions – well, you may as well simply yell in the street, asking them to buy!

Your website is your gateway to leads. As more and more consumers purchase in the digital space, your site is more important than ever.

Take a moment to consider your current site.

  • Does it establish your brand?
  • Does it provide information on your products or services?
  • Does it produce leads?

Did you know that as a critical component of your marketing strategy, your website should be changed and optimised as digital, and industry standards evolve, trends shift, or your personas change?

That’s why we liken a yearly website review to getting a flu shot.

It reminds you to attend to the health of your most important point of contact for your customers. Consider contacting a Melbourne marketing company like us to help.

A poorly site that’s not functioning at its best level or helping your company meet its goals doesn’t necessarily require an entire redesign; it might need a little freshening up.

A refreshed website design is one of the most effective marketing tools for business. So here are Concept Marketing’s six top reasons you should call us today and let us add the sizzle to your site:

1. You have a high bounce rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page sessions where a visitor came and left without clicking through on the site. You can find your site’s bounce rate on your Google Analytics dashboard. The average website’s bounce rate is 45%, but you should aim for under 40% by prompting customers to stay (and click through).

2. Your site is slow

With more and more people complaining about being time-poor, if your site takes longer than two seconds to load, you are fighting a losing battle.  Check your site’s speed manually by opening or browsing it on mobiles, tablets and desktop computers. Your website should load fast on all devices at all locations.

3. Your site isn’t set up for mobile platforms

Smartphones are everywhere. If your site isn’t responsive on mobile platforms you are missing out on a huge market share. A study released by Salesforce found that “83% of mobile users say that a seamless experience across all devices is significant.” People want access to information when and where they need it, and if a website can’t provide it to them, they’ll look somewhere else.

4. Your branding is sooo 2015!

Be consistent and be MODERN! Rebranding covers more than just a logo or colour scheme; it includes the tone, format and content on the site. Your company’s brand identity and brand reputation should match your website and communicate the same to a new visitor.

5. Your competitor’s site is better than yours!

Stay ahead of the competition by remaining dynamic and flexible with your website. Outdated websites are not just limited to aesthetics. They provide an experience to your customers. A fresh design is inviting, it lets customers know that you are responsive and intuitive, that business is booming, and that you want your customers to stay engaged.

Your website is the first impression your company makes on a new customer. By keeping it fresh, exciting and evolving, you will ensure the longevity of customer engagement and create a brilliant marketing tool.
So sign up for a web refresh today and let Concept Marketing [the hottest marketing agency in Melbourne] inject a little sizzle into your site this winter.
PHONE: 1300 658 583

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