Get instant leads from paid digital advertising

Time to practice what we preach.

Last week we shared how we can help you get more out of your digital marketing spend. While we always explore a multi-channel strategy to get the best results, today we’re dishing out the tips on getting the most out one aspect of that – paid digital advertising.

Whether your paid advertising is from Facebook or Google Adwords, the most common mistakes business owners make (before they come to us) are all very similar.

We thought we’d shine a light on some of these issues, because, well, we’re a Melbourne marketing company who likes to help! Here are the top mistakes we see businesses make with paid advertising and of course, the goods – some easy suggestions for how to correct them:

1) Not checking your target markets and audiences

Take a moment and do some research to make sure there’s no overlap when it comes to who you’re targeting. Competing with yourself is wasting marketing dollars!
Spend time refining your approach -it’s worth it! Select targeted, and niche audiences as this will drive your marketing spend further, and get better results.
It’s a good idea to run several campaigns at once but change the audience for each – if not, they will see mixed messages, and it will dilute your cut through. Try different audiences for different campaigns. By testing and reporting you can better decide where to spend your money.

2) Not updating your ads regularly

It’s great when you see an ad campaign doing well and getting the results you want, but all good things must come to an end – it won’t take long for them to lose their effectiveness.
Work in advance on fresh graphics and content, so you always have something new to offer your audiences. By trying different campaigns, it allows you to see what your audience wants from you.

3) Not using re targeting

Remarketing ads offer a high return on investment in paid advertising as you are capturing people that have already seen you but didn’t act. Remarketing is easy and quick to implement and returns quick wins. It gives you the ability to create remarketing ads in response to how the user interacted with you. By this we mean, remarketing the specific products, services and offers they looked at but didn’t buy.

4) Expecting a crazy amount of reach for not enough budget

Any budget is better than no budget. If your budget is limited, we suggest using it wisely on a specific campaign rather than an ongoing Facebook, PPC or Google Adwords brand campaign.
Having an enticing offer such as a limited time sale, a significant discount or running a contest is a great way to capture as many people as you can for remarketing with a limited paid advertising spend.

When it comes to paid advertising, as a marketing agency in Melbourne, we have lots of ways to help our clients get results.

If you’re currently spending too much time, money and resources for very little return, contact us. We can help!

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