Meet Lloyd: Production Manager & Health Fanatic

I am the youngest of 3 and in a family where my mother, a twin married my father, whose eldest brother married my mum’s twin.

A typical day in Lloyd’s world
Working on multiple jobs and helping the team all at once is pretty standard for me which is interesting as it clashing with my structured persona. I then end the day with a hard fitness workout combing weights, with cardio and martial arts. Oh and I forgot to mention the 2-3 lunches I fit in the day!

What I love most of CM
The experience!! There are days with laughter, days of mocking one another and days of frustration but without this, there would be no experience worth taking in. You can say we are the airport of marketing as time flies in this office and before you can settle in your chair, your packing up after a full on days work.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, you couldn’t live without…
Protein, my wife for company and a pallet of Duct Tape, as according to myth busters, can provide all the tools you need to survive and get off the island.

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believe in better.