New Space, New Thinking

During April, Concept Marketing moved offices from Delawney Street to 12/17 Foley Street Balcatta. Taking the empty shell we started with to a thriving vibrant space has brought with it new enthusiasm, new ideas, new clients and new opportunities. We helped build a lot of it ourselves so we’re pleased as punch with how it’s turned out – it’s our new baby.

For those of you yet to visit the new digs just think “whiter than white” meets industrial new age café. If you’ve got a spare half hour come on over (bring a house warming gift of course) and check out our beautiful polished concrete foyer, open plan creative booths and funky breakout area. We’ve locked Mark safely away in a glass cube with all of the other tall poppies, to leave the space open, airy and spacious.

We’re working on a little surprise for those lucky enough to make it out alive after they visit us… but we’re keeping tight lipped about that one until it’s ready – stay tuned.

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