Advertising & Media

Concept Marketing’s media specialists are experts in not only traditional advertising mediums, but also digital, social media, and search engine marketing.

We find the most innovative ways to deliver our ideas to audiences. From film, video, print, radio, integrated campaigns, a social media platform, to Facebook posts, we fuse the message with the moment, to achieve the desired result.

We can do this because we have a deep understanding of our consumer’s behaviour, both in the real world and online. We know what motivates them to listen, engage and buy. And we know where and when to connect them with the most relevant messages – from a more traditional media approach to one that incorporates the latest media targeting technology.

We are also big believers in integration. Our media and creative teams work together to provide a holistic, fully integrated solution.

While much of media buying is related to math and data read rates, the art of the buy lies in growing personal relationships with reps and partners. Our team excels at both. We highly value the relationships we have with our partners and work hard to fine-tune each media plan to optimise every dollar spent

When you work with Concept Marketing expect the following:

  • Advertising strategy and campaign planning
  • Art direction and concept development
  • TV and radio production
  • Production management
  • TV media strategy, planning, buying & monitoring

Talk to us today about how we can produce a smart and effective integrated advertising campaign for you.


Digital Advertising is more than just Pay Per Click ads. It takes more than a Google ad to convince a prospective lead to buy your product or use your services. This is where we excel!

By using our expertise, we’re able to deliver qualified leads through Google Ads – but we don’t stop there. We also work closely with you to ensure these leads convert to clients.

Our Google Ads service is run entirely by our in-house digital marketing team. There is no outsourcing. We pride ourselves on achieving a fantastic, measurable ROI for our clients.

Think audience profiling and delivering Google Ads directly to your target audience. Think strategy and responsiveness. Think a laser-targeted advertising approach that costs you less and sees you win more business.

Think re-marketing ads to people who have hit your site but not converted.
Think long-term strategy of reducing or removing  Google Ads as other digital marketing elements step up.
Think qualified leads. think conversions.

Contact us for a free Google Ads heath check.



In a perfect world, business owners would discover a hot market and then build a business to serve that market. The reality is that most businesses are started because the owner of that business knows how to do something. Occasionally, through trial and error, that business discovers it does indeed serve a hot market. Far too often, businesses simply get by without any real focus on a market.



Concept Marketing can provide national and international media buying and planning services available across multi-media platforms include TV, radio, print, digital, online, large media and integrated activation campaigns.

With trusted relationships in all mediums Australia wide and access to some of the best assets the media can provide, Concept Marketing are able to provide the best media opportunities and comprehensive integrated media schedules for clients.



At Concept Marketing, we believe your marketing should begin with the end in mind. Gone are the days where guesstimating is enough to justify a spend. Our philosophy is you can’t manage what you don’t measure. And if you can’t track your marketing efforts, how do you know what’s effective and what’s not?


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