Stop clock watching & get website wins faster with these tips.

Did you know most of the people hitting your website won’t be ready to buy from you now?

This doesn’t mean you can’t take action, switch up the game and get some quick wins by implementing a few changes that will engage your traffic and, convert!

Here are some of our top tips for quick website wins:
  1. Capture Data

    Rather than direct enquiries to products and services, capture potential customer’s data through forms offering some value (think How To guides, articles of interest and informative downloads).
    This way you’re capturing information from people interested in buying from you. Once you have their details, you can nurture them through an email sequence and targeted communication flow (not sure what that is? We’re the Melbourne marketing company who can help!)

  2. Use your website well

    Use your website for more than just promoting products and services – think about getting your customers (traffic) engaged and interested in what you have to offer, beyond what you’re selling.
    Think about mixing up the content. A combination of infographics, images, videos and podcasts, combined with compelling copy and new resources will make them want to engage and get them invested in your brand ( it will also encourage them to revisit you).

  3.  Focus on your home page

    Your homepage is probably your most visited page, so it’s essential to make a great first impression. Offer something interesting straight away, as this gets your visitor to stay on your homepage and also to click through to something else. If your content is compelling and engaging enough, they will enter their details to learn more about you.

  4. Use pop-ups

    We LOVE pop-up boxes! These are fabulous on your site entry and exit to drive further engagement. Offer something of value to capture their details and, when they exit your website, use another pop-up asking them not to leave. Use an enticing offer such as a limited discount or bonus downloads.
    You’d be surprised how many people you can convert to your mailing list with pop-ups, as long as the offer is captivating enough! (If you’re looking for a marketing agency in Melbourne to help you with your pop-ups, give us a call).

  5. Use real images

    Try not to use stock photography and generic images. A real image of your business, products and staff (even if it’s “raw”) is better than a generic American-type image.
    People will trust you more when they see real images rather than those purchased from Shutterstock.

  6. Reduce page load times

    The quickest way to lose a website visitor is a page taking too long to download. Avoid slow load time by testing the website on different browsers, tablets and phones yourself. If you find the pages are taking too long, look at increasing your web hosting space.

If you think your website needs a speed boost, call us. We’re the Melbourne marketing agency who can help.

A range of problems cause slow speed, the most common being heavy CSS <, overlarge images and large media files. Luckily, here at Concept Marketing, (the most awesome marketing agency in Melbourne) we know how to fix these website problems.

We hope these tips have given you some quick ideas on how you can revamp your website to be more user-friendly and convert more traffic.

For some examples of how we have helped our clients with their websites click here

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