The Power of Purpose – Let it Drive the Dynamics of Your Business

Especially in the winter months, it can be hard to convince ourselves to leave our cosy beds in the frosty mornings. We all need a driving force. We all need something that pushes that big, red turbo-charge button in our mind that makes us get up and GO! GO! GO!

Studies have shown that people find greater motivation in the idea of achieving new heights at work, making a difference to their community through their work, receiving praise from leaders that they respect, or good feedback from customers, than from the idea of being incentivized by compensation.

Employees, especially Millennials, would rather know that the work they are doing is meaningful and that they are doing it well, than base their success on their salary.

“Expectations from people have evolved over the past few decades. And so people used to be very happy with just having a job. Then they were not happy anymore. They wanted a career that would make them fulfilled…What people want is meaning, calling, purpose, being fulfilled, and I think companies should live up to these expectations.” – Mathilde Collin, CEO of Front, the most successful tech start-up in San Francisco in 2019

It’s clear to see that we cannot find purpose simply in our bank accounts. So where, and how do we find it?

I encourage all marketers to ask their clients this very question.

There is immense value in working with your client to create a crystal clear, tangible map of the purpose behind their work. I have realised that in pushing clients to really define their objectives and lucidly demarcate the needs of their stakeholders, a new sense of meaningful alignment in the organisation can be achieved.

When the leaders of an organisation operate with a clear purpose and are consistently and clearly communicating this purpose to their teams, it can change the entire dynamic of day-to-day operations.

Also, if you as the marketer, have a well-defined understanding of the purpose at the core of the business, you can develop a unique insight into how to get them where they need to go, and what should be the driving factors that will take them in the future.

You must ask the client, how can every step that you take, in your day-to-day operations, lead you towards this purpose? What is the purpose driving each decision you make? How are you giving each individual employee purpose and meaning in their everyday work?

It is incredibly powerful to have this kind of insight at our disposal. It allows us to direct our clients into the future – three, five, or ten years down the track – we want to give them confidence in the fact that their actions have meaning, and that their team will have spirited synergy, in a shared knowing of concrete purpose. This will be their turbo-charge, their excitement to leave the electric blanket behind in the morning, knowing they are not just working for someone, working toward something.

Pop in for a chat and have your cake and eat it too.

Concept Marketing is a full service digital and traditional agency with offices in Perth and Melbourne. Delivering websites, SEO, and adword campaigns that drive results for clients. They are known as the Results Agency.

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