The Science Of Pricing
This afternoon, I ‘Stumbled Upon’ a great infographic called The Science Of Pricing. This illustrates some of the key recommendations we have provided to our clients – in order to maximise the success of your website or advertising (or anything that comes with a price tag!) Check out this infographic – and if you have any questions, give us a call and we can help you develop an ad or website strategy that generates results.
6 key takeaways
- Offer your customers three options – the one you want to sell in the middle. This will increase sales
- Remove the $ sign from your products (suggests to consumers it is cheaper)
- Put a #9 at the end of all pricing – biggest # of sales on prices ending in 9 (compared to #4
- Make cheaper or reduced price smaller than before price (size makes it appear better value)
- Compare your product or price next to other options that are significantly more expensive
- Do not include a freebie option to increase sales (everyone will go for this and not buy)