The Ultimate Customer Experience…

World-class service is not simply a matter of friendly customer service staff with good manners.

It is an all-encompassing approach and business decision to making service excellence a company wide priority. Everything that a customer sees, hears, or touches impacts the experience — ‘Everything Speaks.’

Disney has seemingly held true to this belief with their close attention to detail in constantly improving their processes. It’s safe to say that they always sweat the small stuff. Because of this they make an amazing first impression and can boast a 70% return rate of first time visitors.

Every person in senior management of an organisation would have at some stage faced the struggle of building a quality customer service approach. Encouraging your team to embrace an intensive customer service policy can be hard work, take a lot of dedication and trial and error.

Eventually though, it will be the little things like remembering client’s birthdays, greeting them at the door with a coffee and the consistent delivery of high quality services which will make all the difference.

If you need some inspiration on how you can implement a top class customer service plan here are some examples of this incredible dedication mentioned in Disney’s book, Be Our Guest:

1. Turning around misfortune:
Despite the efforts made to inform customers of height limits, often a young child will wait with a parent to go on a ride, only to find out he or she isn’t tall enough.

Disney noticed that this was a major complaint from parents and, more importantly, ruined the experience for children. So they gave staff permission to hand out a special pass when this happens that allows the child to skip to the front of the line on his or her next ride.

2. Ending the experience strong:
What better way to end a magic experience than with a smooth exit? Unfortunately, Disney found many guests had problems finding their cars when leaving on trams.

Tram drivers now keep a simple list of what rows they work each morning, which is distributed to team members at the end of the day. This allows guests to simply denote the time they arrived, and the tram drivers will know what location the guest parked in. A huge win for ending the day without hassle.

3. Fulfilling unique needs:
Disney cast members found that disabled guests were often frustrated with parks because they had to constantly remind staff they were disabled, and they wanted to let staff know discretely.

Disney created Special Assistance passes and provided their cast with a wide variety of training so that they were able to identify and fulfil the needs of disabled guests without invasive questions.

Walt seemed to perfect these processes by observing each and every detail. They didn’t just want Disneyland to be better—he wanted it to be 100x better than everything else available.

Here at Concept Marketing we place customer service above all else. We pride ourselves on taking a leaf out of Walt’s book by sweating the small stuff and thus deliver the highest quality work and best results to our clients.

Contact us today to begin your ultimate marketing experience.


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