How many times have you wished for more time? There may only be 24 hours in a day but if you can learn how to better budget your time, it will feel like much more. It’s all about prioritising.
1. Use a calendar. Set aside thirty minutes at the end or beginning of each day to set your schedule. Do not deviate from appointments unless it’s an emergency.
2. Schedule everything. A good Customer Relationship Software (CRM) can help you to schedule out a variety of tasks for a number of clients. At Concept Marketing, we use a CRM called worketc. This resource allows us to plan our designer’s times and schedules and it allows us to leave blocks of time in the schedule for those unexpected jobs that always seem to crop up. Our marketing executives always prioritise the top three jobs for our clients, so we are certain to put our time and focus on the right jobs first or the ones that will deliver results for clients!
3. Set two appointment times per day to manage email. The constant conversation of email can make it impossible to complete current tasks. With a scheduled time to manage email on the calendar, you will avoid constant work interruptions.
4. Spend time on your strengths. Where do you excel?. Put the majority of your time on tasks you are good at and contract out work that takes too much time.
5. Schedule priorities. Determining priorities up front will help you decide how soon certain projects need to get done and what can wait. At Concept Marketing, we begin every week with a priority sheet; it lists all of our clients and the five priorities for each client for that week. This helps create a ‘to-do’ list that’s focused around what our clients want rather than on small menial tasks that we can all often get caught up in!
6. Evaluate. Schedule in time each week to evaluate what’s working and what’s not. Add in more activities that get results and phase out those that do not. At Concept Marketing, we regularly ‘chuck out’ marketing activities that don’t work and bring in new ones that do.
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