When Life Gives You Jackfruit, Make Jacks

So, the Concept team disappears to the bustling, musky, humid shores of Bali for their annual conference and what do you know? Suddenly, all flights are grounded – ain’t nobody going nowhere.

Well, the wheels of industry don’t stop turning just because our lot get stuck in Bintang Central. So, it was onto scooters and into “transport” to scrounge laptops, 4G hubs, power cables (and brekky) to set up a makeshift studio in the back of one of our villas. Hey presto, we were back in business… Well, almost. Working over a remote connection back to the office isn’t the speediest.

Thanks you all our loyal family (clients) for putting up with the erratic nature of the past few days – we’ll be back to full steam ahead as soon as the Volcano Gods let us out of this crazy place. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

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