When the going gets tough, the tough get marketing.

If you’re like most people, when faced with an immediate challenge you choose the hard and fast solution instead of the investment solution. Maybe you downsize, use cheaper materials or cut the marketing budget?

Now I’m not saying hard and fast can’t get you through. A clever investment in marketing however, is more likely to set your business up for the challenges of today and tomorrow. It is an investment in your position in the industry and will help you build a continued connection with your most valued customers.

So when times are tough, your marketing budget – the source of new leads, opportunities and sales, should not be the first to get cut.

To get you through the tough times and beyond, consider these essential marketing strategies suggested by top marketing companies in Melbourne.
Focus on your number one reason for people to choose you.

What’s your core benefit that differentiates you from your competition? Does it “speak” to your customer? Whatever the benefit is make sure it aligns with what the customer values.

Get seen.

Make sure your business in visible online and primarily on google. We ensure we optimise “google my business” for all our clients (we can help if you’r e unsure where to start). Keeping your business’s details up to date on google is just as important such as opening hours, contacts, events, offers and more.

Get seen the old fashioned way too.

Do you know who works next to you or down the road? Introduce yourself, offer them a “friends” offer and hand out business cards. You can already be at the forefront of their mind as you’re in close proximity already!

Ask for reviews.

It’s easier than ever with facebook and google reviews to build up a testimonial base from your past and existing customers. It’s also a great way to touch base with past clients too! Reviews can even help your SEO and google rankings.

Do you email?

Email is still one of the most cost effective marketing tools there is and is easy to regularly engage with your database. Use your database as an opportunity to strengthen your brand as well as product upcoming events, products and services.


If you’d like guidance and information on the best value marketing activities for your business, please contact us . Our team are committed to providing outstanding results and return on investment for our clients.

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