Why more marketing isn’t what you need

It  seems many businesses waste a lot of time and money on their marketing, simply because they neglect to set up foundations.

And more marketing doesn’t necessarily equal more results.

No matter how long you’ve been in business, there are crucial elements that will pull your marketing efforts together.

Here’s our do less and do better approach:

1) Focus on your sweet spot

Know your businesses strengths and your raving fan target markets. Don’t be afraid to niche and drive your campaigns toward targeting your most ideal customer rather than everyone.

2) Know where your results come from

You can probably answer where you market but do you know where your leads come from? Is it that radio ad you did or your facebook campaign? And what facebook posts got the results and which didn’t?

Analytics and reporting is a crucial part in marketing to ensure you are spending on the right platforms and campaigns.

3) Sales processes

You can market for new leads all you want, but if it doesn’t align with your sales processes or they don’t convert to customers you are wasting your money. Ensure your sales team are involved with marketing initiatives to ensure the process runs smoothly and is tested before running external marketing campaigns.

4) Choose a marketing strategy

And stick to it! Businesses have limited resources, time and money so ensure your efforts are focused. Do you want to focus on digital marketing? Networking? Strategic alliance partnerships, or even referrals? Pick two and run with them for at least 90 days. Consistency is key and you can always add another strategy later once these are working well.

5) A Brand overhaul

The presentation of your business is the first and sometimes only thing people will see. If your marketing efforts aren’t working, perhaps a look and feel overhaul is needed. This can be as simple as changing up your email templates and website, updating graphics as well as marketing materials such as business cards and brochures.
There is no one-size-fits-all marketing strategy and individual marketing tactics won’t convert into sales without strategy. Let Concept Marketing help grow your business with our free strategy sessions. To book Click Here

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