Web Design & Development

Let’s face it: it’s not 1993 anymore.

The “wow” factor of offering a web site just doesn’t exist anymore. Having a website is expected for any serious business. The only thing that will “wow” visitors these days is a strong message, useful content and clean functionality, not just an electronic version of your brochure.

Functionality can take many forms, depending on the scope of your industry or business. Whether you want an interactive site with customisation options for your products, a searchable database of instructional videos or even a regularly updated blog with information on your industry, we can create an interactive site that will leave your users confident in your capabilities.

In other words, they’ll say, “Wow.”

So how does your web site stack up to the competition?

Professional web site design for professional businesses

A web site design – much like logo and graphic design – is something you could probably do yourself. But in today’s technological world, keep in mind that your website could very well serve as the first point of contact for a potential client.

When you put your web site design in our hands, you can trust that the first impression your site makes will live up to your branding message. Whether it’s a static site or a complex database driven CMS (Content Managed) system, we will create the perfect calling card designed to best showcase your brand.

We’ll work with you to design and build an online home for your brand to inhabit. While we’re doing that, we’ll make sure you’re the best host your visitors could ever imagine. When it comes to the design of websites and applications, we put the end user at the heart of everything we do. At Concept Marketing uses insights, design, and growth strategies to drive business value. We’re obsessed with the possibilities of tomorrow, where technology and design verge ever closer and meaningful experiences await those bold enough to pursue them.



Digital Advertising is more than just Pay Per Click ads. It takes more than a Google ad to convince a prospective lead to buy your product or use your services. This is where we excel!

By using our expertise, we’re able to deliver qualified leads through Google Ads – but we don’t stop there. We also work closely with you to ensure these leads convert to clients.



The power of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is undeniable. SEO has the capability to improve the position of your website in search engine rankings, getting your business in front of potential customers actively seeking out your product or service.

Like many aspects of digital marketing, the opportunity to get in front of the right audience doesn’t happen by chance. At Concept Marketing, our SEO experts study the science of website placement, using research, keywords, phrases and site links to increase a website’s ranking.



Imagine being a fly on the wall in the same room as your target audience. They’re discussing your products, services, brand messaging and… oh, wait. It looks like you’re not a fly after all. They’ve just asked you to join the conversation.

Social media is a fantastic way to reach out to your audience on a personal level. The conversations that take place on your social media sites should be a personable exchange with your target market, but with a strategic approach. And that’s where we come in.




In a perfect world, business owners would discover a hot market and then build a business to serve that market. The reality is that most businesses are started because the owner of that business knows how to do something. Occasionally, through trial and error, that business discovers it does indeed serve a hot market. Far too often, businesses simply get by without any real focus on a market.



Writing content for a website these days is more of an art that simply putting words down on the page.

Want to be found on google? Have the right copy on your site.

Want your audience to understand your product/service? Have copy on the site written in a way that resonates with your target audience.




It’s one thing for a customer to like your products. Quite another for that same customer to take the necessary steps to make a purchase from your site.

E-commerce sites are not just about presenting an attractive storefront. It’s about offering the ease, functionality and security designed to make your users feel comfortable and eager to shop again.

A major part of setting up an effective e-commerce site is the planning. After all, customers are only willing to put so much time and energy into making an online purchase.

We are experts at plotting out the user experience from start to finish and identifying the pitfalls that could cause your business to click elsewhere.
From customer data to past history to shipping, we know exactly how to turn your e-commerce into a location customers will want to make a repeat purchase, time and time again.



Our world is moving at a rapid rate. Information is exchanged in a nanosecond, news shared moments after it happens and thoughts expressed as quick as lightning.

Why should you move any slower?

With an effective Content Management System (CMS), the days of waiting on a web master to update your site are long gone. We can set up your site with a simple to use CMS program so that you or your employees can update critical news and product information at a moment’s notice.



The message that you send to your audience should be a simple one. The route that you use to transmit that message… well, that should be a bit more complex.

Building a comprehensive site map is a strategic component of getting your message out there. Clear oganisation, logical placement and ease in functionality are all factors that will encourage your users to come back, again and again.

We will work with you to develop a strategic plan designed to build the web experience you want your customers to have. If we do our job right, it’ll look easy.



Concept Marketing offers both web hosting and domain registration services. Our reliable service is efficient, professional and simple to understand.

Domain name registration
Don’t leave your good name to chance. Secure it today with Concept Marketing. We can help you obtain your ‘com.au’ or ‘net.au’ domain for $39.95 for 2 years or the ‘.com’ domain for $26.95 per year.

It’s a simple, efficient process designed to give you the name for your site that best fits with your branding.

Website Hosting
They say that a good host can make or break a party… That’s certainly the truth when it comes to web hosting.

When it comes to Concept Marketing, you can trust that we know how to throw a good party. Our secure, efficient and reliable website hosting service



There are a variety of objectives in maintaining a web presence. Some clients want to share information, some want to convert competitors, others want to sell goods or merchandise. The list goes on and on. But how do our clients know if their objectives are being met?

Google Analytics is a web analysis platform designed to provide detailed information about the interactions that take place on your website. This analysis platform can show what brought a client to your site, the average time spent on each page, what location your customers are viewing your site from and even information such as what time the average customer logs on.

It’s a fascinating concept. Yet, like all data, this information does little without practical analysis.

Concept Marketing can provide that analysis. Our team is adept at and analyzing the information gleaned from Google Analytics and what it means to your brand. From there, we can develop a strategic plan to overhaul web aspects that are slowing your business down and learn from what’s working.

That’s the power of analytics.



Do you have an App idea that could compliment your business? Or would you like to launch a stand-alone App?

Concept Marketing develops Apps for the iPhone and Android devices.

From concept to completion, we will work with you to bring the concept of your App to life. We will consult with you on your concept, analyze the best approach to take to bring it to the marketplace and work with you to make it happen.

With a variety of successful Apps already in our library, we invite you to contact us to further discuss the exciting process of App Development.



Mobile is now. Your customers aren’t shifting more to browsing via mobile devices. They are already there.

Over 50% of all users are now operating exclusively on mobile. If your site isn’t responsive and geared towards smaller screens you’re in trouble.

First, Google will actively penalise you in the search results, consequently reducing your audience.

Second, your existing customers will become increasingly frustrated and alienated.

If you operate an online store, not having a mobile site could be costly. This simple mishap could be cutting your profits in half. Studies show that a whopping 55% of mobile users shop online using their mobile device.

Our web professionals will work with you to design a portable presence that is well designed, functional and vibrant. Our mobile-friendly site will expand your reach to a savvy audience and make your business accessible to your demographic whether they are at home or on the move.



Do you judge a book by its cover? Odds are good that your customers do, too.

The first impression created by your website might be the one chance to tell clients who you are and what you can do for them. If that first impression isn’t a favourable one or if it’s confusing in any way, you risk losing your audience.

Don’t lose your audience! Capture their attention with a vibrant web design that leaves an impression as valuable as the first.


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